Couples + Anniversary

This session is two hours of completely customized time together. We plan an adventure and then take off to create some truly amazing memories and individual moments just for you and your love.



Family is everything. These sessions are something special to you and to me. Let's go on an adventure or to a favorite place of you and your loved ones. We'll create images to live amongst the walls of your home and grandma's fridge.


Weddings + Elopements

Nothing is more magical than the day when two lives suddenly become one, and your family grows twice its size. Being a part of your day is something truly humbling to me, and I will do everything in my power to give you a tangible piece of your memories.

Starting at $2800

Ready to Begin?


Do you shoot destination weddings?

Absolutely! I will travel far and wide to be there for you and your love, your family, and your story. (Currently limited to United States only due to COVID-19).

Will there be a second shooter?

I do not offer a second shooter option. Although I love working with a team, my work is my own and I want to give each and every couple a consistency in their memories that is sometimes hard to achieve when other photographers are involved. However, each special day and session is different, therefore if a second shooter is necessary, there is always the option.

Can I extend the session on the day of?

Of course you can, however I promise I have a fool-proof system that allows family and couple sessions to last no longer than two hours. Although, if it turns out we are having the time of our lives, or we might need more time together due to pups, babies, or weather, we can always chat about a time extension.

How soon will I get my photos?

Couples, Family, Engagement, and other sessions will receive their photos within 1-2 weeks. Weddings are anywhere from 4-9 weeks depending on where your event takes place within the year.

Do I have to order prints through you?

Your memories are 100% your own. Although I love working with my humans to give them the best prints and tangible moments possible, you may want to do your own thing, which is totally 100% OK.

Can I just have the RAW images? I don't care if they are edited.

Here’s the thing.. I care. So no, you cannot have the raw or unedited images. I want your memories perfect. Because they are perfect to you.

Ready to Begin?